Monday, April 28, 2008

What should I eat????

There is a saying.....

If you could have hunted for it, fished for it, plucked it or gathered it, it belongs on your table.
Fresh fruits, fresh veggies, lean proteins, nuts seeds....these are all great healthy foods- made by the Earth itself- and here for your dinner! I always say- if you read the ingredients of a food, and you don't understand them- don't eat it! Why would you eat something when you don't know what it is? Because it is in a nice package all pretty ready to purchase at the store? Cigarettes are also in nice little packages, ready for you to purchase at the store- AVAILABILITY does not mean it is good for you!!! Trust yourself- and your instincts when making food selections and be creative have fun! If you don't enjoy what you are eating and what you are doing- it will be a very short life change!!!

Here is my recipe of the week:

Yummy Salad Dressing!

1 packet of Good Seasons Italian All Natural Dressing seasonings
1/4 cup water
1/4 Balsamic Vinegar
In the last 1/4 cup measuring cup put 2 tbs Grey Poupon Dijon mustard, then fill about 1/2 of the remaining space in the measuring cup with olive oil (approx 1/8 cup) and fill the remaining portion of the cup with balsamic vinegar (all of those ingredients will total 1/4 cup)

Put all ingredients into a cruet and shake! Low fat all natural yummy salad dressing and marinade!!! Enjoy!

Remember Ladies-

"Impossible is nothing, all you have to do is put in your 100% and believe in yourself."
Written in 2008 by Prosenjit Mitra --- India

Please contact me with any topics you want covered in this blog! Or if you just want to talk! Leave your comments after you try the recipe!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hello all!!! As you know this Blog will contain various postings to inspire, motivate and muster up excitement about LIFE! As I promised- I will post videos and pics from all my contests with results (no matter how poor......or great!), words of wisdom that I have learned through my years of trying to live a healthy lifestyle as well as some of my favorite recipes that carry me through the week. Today- I want to talk about Planning, Preparing and essential components to a healthy lifestyle.

One thing I stress to all- is being healthy and fit is a LIFESTYLE. That means COMMITMENT and LONGEVITY. In order to be successful in any life long achievement- one MUST PLAN and PREPARE and have PATIENCE with yourself. Without these three things- your life long commitment to yourself will be very difficult to achieve. Where do these components come into play? Every DAY.

Planning and Preparing by example.......

Each week on Sunday- I wake up about 1 hour before my husband. It is at that time, I drink my tea, sit back relax, enjoy the silence of the Sunday morning and begin my planning for the week. I take a look at my calendar for the week ahead and take note as to how busy I will actually be. Where do I have to go on what days. After that- I then plan my workout schedule....I figure out on which days I will study martial arts, on which days I will lift weights and when I will achieve cardio. Next- I think of food. With my schedule in place- I now know how much time I will have to dedicate to cooking, and I have a good idea of how I will feel both physically and mentally each day. I then sit in the kitchen with a paper and pen- and actually write down- what I will eat all week.....Breakfast M,T,W,TH,F....snack....lunch....and so on. I factor in fruit, veggies, lean proteins and I plan which days I will eat a meal that has been prepared ahead of time on Sunday and frozen. Now that my meal plan is all worked out- on the other side of the paper- I make my GROCERY LIST. Now I am ready for the week. I have planned, and I am ready to prepare the meals I have planned out. I am also ready to conquer the supermarket with a purpose. When I get there- there will be no needless browsing or purchasing. I will go to the market somewhere in the day on Sunday. In this shopping trip- I will buy ALL the food I need for the week- to avoid unnecessary marketing traps of the SUPERMARKET and needless trips!

Then Sunday evening while getting myself ready for the week I begin to cook the food I plan on eating for the week! By Monday I have my food planned and prepared and am ready for action! I have a little lunch box and I am all set. I am also able to resist temptation while I am out on appointments as my food is packed and ready to go! Without PLANNING AND PREPARATION- in this modern day world- we will not survive!!!!

Now for the last P in the equation.....PATIENCE. This is essential- as no matter how much you plan and prepare- things always go off track without notice. This could be due to family, work, stress - whatever. Maybe you just don't feel like eating string beans again! OK- so you lose your mind and go to Carvell. Well- in my book that is no big deal- if these slip falls are few and far in between. One day of eating bad will not kill you - just like one day of eating well will not make you healthy! So- have patience with yourself....make changes in your life one at a time! Give yourself time to adjust and formally change your habits SLOWLY to ensure LONGEVITY.

So here is one of my favorite recipes that I make all of the time on SUNDAYS!!! Enjoy! (Next time I make it- I will take a pic....and put it up!)

Yummy Cole Slaw Salad!!

1/2 bag Dole traditional Cole Slaw salad mix
1 Low Fat Stony Field Farms Vanilla Yogurt
1 Fuji Apple cored and chopped into small bite size pieces
1/2 Cup Nut/Raisin mix
1 TBS Ground Cinnamon

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and YUMMY! You are eating cabbage!!! make two of these salads in a week and do you know how much cabbage you have consumed???

Each week I will post a new recipe- eventually I will get them all together and publish my cookbook!!! Talk to you all next week! I have my first figure competition of the season! I will post pics, videos and results!!!

Remember- I am here if you want to talk! Send me an email!

Stay Focused Until the Miracle Happens!
To your Success and Health